Jesus is one of the most debated people of all time. Is he a fraud? A dangerous revolutionary? Or saviour of the world? We’d like to invite you to join us for an event where we seek to uncover the truth about Jesus.

This July, we will be hearing from an expert in the life of Jesus, Dr John Dickson. He’ll be guiding us on this journey to uncover the truth about Jesus. We’d love you to join us!

Date: 20th July, 2024

Time: 7pm

Location: Advanced Engineering Building, Learning Theatre (GHD Auditorium), The University of Queensland


Who is John Dickson?

He’s an Australian writer, speaker, academic and public advocate for the Christian faith, Dr John Dickson. He has written extensively about the life of Jesus. He is a great guide to help us meet Jesus.

Who we are

We are a group of Christian churches and organisations partnering together to help people meet Jesus. If you’re looking to find out more about Jesus, we encourage you to reach out to any of these churches and organisations by clicking on their links provided here. This event is part of the national outreach of the Australian Fellowship of Evangelical Students, called ‘Meet Jesus’.

If you want to find out more about how to meet Jesus, connect with us. We’d love to help.

We want to keep this event FREE! We just want people to meet Jesus. If you’d like to donate to support the Meet Jesus in Brisbane mission, you can through the link below. These donations are managed by UQ Evangelical Students.

Other Events

John Dickson will be speaking at other events while he’s in Brisbane. Click on the event logos to find out more!